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SITS giveaway!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Love SITS! I've been doing it for a week or so now and have been having so much fun! I love reading and commenting on every one's posts. There are some funny ladies out there! Right now they are having a bedroom set giveaway. I get 5 entries for posting about it. Hope I win, Hubby loves loves loves sheets and candles, and so do I! Wish me luck, go enter yourself, and hop on the SITS bandwagon.

2 bubble blowin' comments:

The Blonde Duck 1 said...

Good luck! Isn't SITS great?

Michelle 2 said...

Ok, I'm still behind in my blog reading from last week but ummm a bedroom set giveaway? You mean my 13 year old mattress could find a new home? Hmmmm. I need to catch up quickly!

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