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He left me

Monday, September 28, 2009

My husband left me on Saturday. He was watching his fav. football team play on tv in the living room while I was in the bedroom watching my own show of choice. I could tell his team wasn't playing very well and that was causing him to be in a really really bad mood. The term "It's only a game" is totally lost on him.

He stomped through the apt. mumbling something I couldn't understand and before I knew it he was gone. Besides work, we never go anywhere without being together. And we certainly never leave without telling the other where we are going.

I had no idea where he went. Or if he was going to come back. It was a feeling that I never want to experience again.

Half an hour later he walked in with pizza. I could have slapped him. (But ate the pizza instead.)

20 bubble blowin' comments:

Mrs. M said...

Never slap a man with dinner, especially pizza! But c'mon, a little communication please? ;-)

Amy said...

How scary for you! I would hate that! But you did get pizza, so that is good! I hope his team wins next week (as long as they aren't playing my team) and you can celebrate with pizza TOGETHER.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Funny Katie. I'm glad he came back.

Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

Wow- I don't blame, at least he came with a peace offering lol

Unknown said...

oh wow that would totally freak me out too! i'm glad it was just for pizza :)

Crazee Juls said...

that was scary for a minute...but pizza-is never scary

Ms. Sarah said...

Glad he came back. Pizza is always a good peace offering in this house

Nicole said...

Woo woo Pizza conquers all!!! =D

Lisa Anne said...

lol, i believe everyone needs their time away, even if it is for 30 min to pick up pizza.

Ali said...

Yeah, that's freaky for any woman. I can only imagine.

Glad he came back, and with pizza in hand!

thatgirlblogs said...

don't scare me!

Unknown said...

A man can never go wrong offering me pizza--especially pepperoni and mushroom!

The Rambler said...

Geeshh...boys are so drama sometimes aren't they? :)

mommakin said...


but pizza DOES make it all better...

~ Julie ~ said...

That would be scary. Glad you ate the pizza though!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Oh my gosh, what a man!!!! That is too funny though!

Karen and Gerard said...

It just helps to go for a walk sometimes, my husband's the same way. It's better than throwing things around the house and breaking something or taking it out on me. I don't mind at all! Then, of course, I am the same way when watching the Cleveland Browns come up with new ways to screw up every week.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Men. The worst communicators. But....whaddya gonna do?

Hope you're having a good week. (visiting from SITS)

- Margaret

Anonymous said...

Mmmm pizza!! My husband could have proposed marriage with pizza instead of a ring. Who DOESN'T love pizza?!?!

Brandi. said...

Glad he came back! My husband would have, and usually does, walk out and come back the next morning completely drunk... And I still wouldn't know where he'd gone.

You're so lucky. ;)

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