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To beach or not to beach

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hubby's birthday is on Sunday. He mention going to the beach - only if I want too. Truth is I LOVE the beach. There is nothing like waking up to the sunrise and the sound of waves crashing onto the shore. Standing on that spot to feel the sand taken away by the powerful ocean underneath your bare feet. Walking back and forth for hours to find the biggest and best shells. It's very peaceful and relaxing. It brings me back down to earth. It reminds me of the power and beauty of God's creations.

"Yes of course I want to go!!" I would love to squeal to him.

But I can't.
There is a silly little voice somewhere in the back of my head that says mean things like, "you are too fat, ugly and old." "your husband is too short, you look weird together." "No one wants to see that." And of course it will cost money. I've been working hard lately. Do I want to spend it all on this?

It most likely will be our last change to go. We are trying desperately to move to Utah and who knows when we will be back when that happens...

What should I do ladies, beach or no beach?????

18 bubble blowin' comments:

Crazee Juls said...

Katie--seriously- from someone who lives nowhere near a beach---GO! :)You have worked hard, you'll enjoy it, and nevermind that voice that gives you doubts!

thatgirlblogs said...

Big. Fat. Cyberhug!

Girl, we ALL feel that way. The cool thing about us? We shake it off like so much sand and run toward the waves anyway.

GO, and have no regrets.

Welcome! said...

aaaaahhhhh, Where's your "email me" button?? I don't know how to get ahold of you!! Just wanted you to know I love your blog and gave you an award! Swing on by and pick it up!

Crazy Mom of 6 said...

I say go for it! Don't worry about what others think. As long as you and your hubby have a good time that is all that matters. Dip your toe in for me alright!

mommakin said...

Katie, I am way older and way fatter than you - and I NEVER miss a chance to go to the beach!!! Everyone is there to have their own fun, no one is there to look at or judge you! GO and have a LOT of fun!

Julie said...

I know what you mean! We can't listen to that stupid voice...go for it girl!

Small House said...

Oh my word....To fat and old?????? Go to the beach!!!!! Be glad you have a beach!!!

Julie said...

Why are you trying to move to Utah?

GO TO THE BEACH!!! Life is meant to live you love the beach GO! and have a lot of fun...


Aprons by Julie

La Belle Mere said...

BEEEEEACH!!!!! Life's a beach baby. You're never too fat and old!

I seriously doubt you'll regret it.

Ginger said...

Absolutely GO. Remember - What the hell is always the right answer. I completely get the anxiety that comes with beach going and swimsuit wearing. But seriously, life experience is way more important than anything else.

p.s. LOVE grape soda and the Gilmores.

Decor To Adore said...

BEACH! Happy Saturday to you! I am slowly making my way around to all the blogs that visited me when I was featured on SITS to say "Thank you". It is indeed a fabulous SITStahood.
Be blessed!

Trina said...

To fat, old, and ugly?? Says who?? If you talked to your friends the way you talk to your self, how many friends would you have? I struggle with positive self talk A LOT. A little I do when things get rough:
1. Look in the mirror.
2. Smile.
3. Say something positive (This part is hard.)

Okay enough of the preaching...GO TO THE BEACH!!! O and thanks for stopping by may page.

Happy SITS Sharefest!

Trina said...

O and I love your blog designs.

CB said...

Go to the beach Girl!! You only live once!! Plus it is hubbys birthday and that is his birthday wish :D

Thanks for visiting my blog - I love making new friends . You have such a cute blog here :D

tootie said...

Go and enjoy yourself! (But truth be told - I'm biased b/c I *love* the beach :)

Michelle said...

Beach. beach beach beach (I hope you're there now) The beach and his birthday are all about you having fun and enjoying yourselves, NOT about who's hot and who's not and really, who cares. Do you remember any of the people you saw at the beach last time? Could you go back and tell them anything now anyway? Would you even want to? Go. Have fun. EnJOY!

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Oh you need to go! Don't let those thoughts get to you. Just go and have a wonderful time. Enjoy being together. Enjoy getting away. Enjoy the beach!


Hannah said...

My comment is a little over due, but I definitely vote for going to the beach. As they say, "today" is called the "present" because it is a "gift" and should be enjoyed to the max !!

www.FunnyPhotosContest.com Submit cute or funny photos and tell friends to vote for them. No entry fee.

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